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cName on CloudFlare

We're gonna talk about how to use Cname in Buz4Biz for your stores or your clients and make sure the Cname is pointing to your store.buz4biz subdomain OR (

to start this you gonna need is a CloudFlare account and a name servers pointing over to CloudFlare

please note cloud flare is only the DNS provider and they are only going to allow you to use the root of your domain

inside of buz4biz subdomain so check out the steps below to learn how you can connect.

In the store you want to use your own domain you can use cName mapping .

1-Go to the store dashboard by clicking on store tab on the left side .

2-Then choose the store you want .

3-Click on actions button .

4-From the drop-down choose cName option .

Now paste your domain or subdomain URL with the store branding here then click save

Now Copy the ( OR ) to use it on CloudFlare

1st login to your CloudFlare account then choose the domain you need to use with the store

1-Click DNS

2-Add a record

From the drop-down choose cName option .

    Under Name put @

    Under Target put the subdomain you are giving in Biz4Biz

    Proxy status make sure is ON ( Proxied )

    Click Save

    Now paste your domain or subdomain URL with the store branding here then click save

Give it 5 mints the it will works

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