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Here you can set up your custom Email Notifications to be sent every time the customer has Earned or Redeemed reward points.

STEP 1 : Click Gift Card.

STEP2 : Click Email Notifications.

Check Image below for better clarity.

  • Gift Card Purchase : Automatically send emails to customer for successfully purchasing the gift card.

  • Free Gift Card : Automatically send out emails to customer when someone get Gift Card Voucher .

  • Gift Card Redeemed: Automatically send out emails to customer when someone redeems a Gift Card.

  • Admin Notification: Automatically send out emails to store admin when they get a new Purchase .

  • Bulk Notification: Send emails manually to all your leads. Works for bulk offers and promotions.

STEP 3 : Edit your custom message in the give space.

And you can use ( Short codes )

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