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Autoresponder Integration - Sendiio

To integrate Sendiio with BuzMenu

1- Go to Integrations

2- Autoresponder Integration

3- Click on the Connect button as shown in the image below. (Once it is integrated, then the button will be changed to Connected )

Copy the API token and API secret from Sendiio account and paste it in the provided field and click on Save button

To get the API key from the Sendiio account, refer to the screenshot below,

Now the Sendiio account is integrated withBuzMenu.

To link the Autoresponder list to a Store,

A- Go to My Store

B- Click on Actions as shown in the image below

C- Then click on Autoresponder,

Choose Sendiio from the list (under API integrations) and then the list to which you want to send the customers.

Then click on the Save button

The autoresponder is linked to your store now.

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