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Payment Integration - Razorpay

To integrate Razorpay with BuzMenu,

1-Go to Integrations

2-Payment Integration

3-Click on Connect button as shown in the image below,(Once the Razorpay payment gateway is integrated, then the button will be changed to Connected)

Enter the Key ID and Key Secret in the provided fields

Then click on Save button

To get the API details from the Razorpay.

Login to your Razorpay account and click on the setting -> API Keys -> Regenerate Key button, as shown in the image below

Copy the Key ID and the Key Secret from here and paste it in the BuzMenu Integration.

For Test purchase use the Test key ID and Key secret. For the real time purchase use the Live key ID and Key secret, as shown in the image below

If you face "currency not supported" issue in your product checkout, Please make sure you have enabled "International Payment" in your Razorpay configuration as shown in the image below.

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